Thursday, January 30, 2014

Foursquare Can Now Satisfy Your Appetite At Home With Integrated Seamless And GrubHub Ordering


Seamless and GrubHub have partnered with location-based check-in service Foursquare to help you retain your precious pear-shaped physique and avoid exerting even the bare minimum of effort: You can now order delivery from restaurants near you right from within the app, on the Android, iOS and web-based versions of the Foursquare app.

Over 20,000 restaurants that fall under the combined GrubHub Seamless umbrella are available to U.S. Foursquare users as a result of the new partnership, covering hundreds of cities across the country, according to Foursquare’s official blog post announcing the news.

foursquare-deliveryParticipating restaurants will show an “Order Delivery” menu item alongside links to view the restaurant on a map, call or see its menu in the in-app listings. The best way to find restaurants that feature this integration is to search for the type of cuisine followed by “delivery” within Foursquare, the company notes.

Previously, you could check-in to restaurants where you’d ordered food with, as Engadget notes, but you still had to go somewhere else to get the job done. Now, you can virtually go somewhere you never actually were, and also stuff your face with its consumables, all while only partly clothed. Nirvana, I am in you.

Photo courtesy flickr user Mark Turnauckas.

Source: TechCrunch

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