Friday, September 26, 2014

The grass is always greener on the other smartphone

I have an iPhone 6 Plus and a fully customized 2014 Moto X sitting on my desk. They’re making me want to cry.

The indecision becomes more painful each and every time this happens. I flop between an iPhone and an Android device at least once per year, sometimes more. (Okay, usually more.) On a very rare occasion, a Windows Phone finds its way into the mix, but for me — as it is for most people I deal with personally and professionally — the battle really comes down to Apple and Google. The last year was spent evenly divided between an iPhone 5S and a Nexus 5; now, in September 2014, the best iPhone ever and the best Android phone ever have been released within a few days of one another. Mobile industry, you’re not making my life any...

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Source: The Verge - All Posts

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