Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What it's like to use OSVR, the "Android of Virtual Reality"

Before I tell you what it's like to use the OS VR, I should tell you what it is. And, more importantly, what it isn't. Yesterday my colleague Adi Robertson wrote a fantastic explanation of Razer's OSVR. Here's how she summarized it:

"OSVR is a development system meant to get VR on all kinds of hardware. It's not an operating system, but Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan refers to it as the 'Android of virtual reality,' an open-source software platform that encompasses multiple game engines, head-mounted displays, and control schemes. While you might be able to make a game in Unity and port it to multiple devices, VROS does the work of optimizing it for each device. Around two dozen companies and organizations, including Leap Motion, Virtuix, and...

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Source: The Verge - All Posts

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